[Regulation 9 and 30(8) SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015]
This policy shall be called “Preservation of Documents and Archival Policy’. In short it canalso be called as “PDAP".
This policy is formulated in line with the requirement of Regulation 9 and Regulation 30(8) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (known as listing regulations) to prevent statutory records and documents as mentioned in various provisions of the Companies Act, SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations and such other acts, rules and regulation specially applicable to the company.
“Preservation" is the means by which documents I records are protected for the present or future use. The objective of preservation is to minimize the risk of loss of records and slowing down, as much as possible, the process of physical deterioration which affect most archive materials.
The documents specified in Annexure – 1 shall be preserved for the minimum period as mentioned in the annexure. However, company may keep those records for longer period in case there is a dispute pending before any court, department, judicial or quasi-judicial body etc.
This policy shall be effective from ………………………………..
In order to preserverelevant documents effectively, the documents I records shall be:
i. placed, handled, consulted and I or displayed in a way which minimize the risk of damage and takes due account of their size, shape and physical conditions;
ii. Placed, handled, consulted and I or displayed in a safe and secure location;
iii. Moved with due care between locations;
iv. Placed, handled, consulted and I or displayed under appropriate preservation conditions such as avoid areas of unsuitable temperature and humidity or areas directly affected by ultra violet light.
v. Proper account must be kept of the location of all the record.
vi. Adequate infrastructure must be in place to preserve the records I documents and to avoid any serious damage or loss including the misuse, maltreatment or theft of records.
vii. All departments, divisions or units involved and responsible for maintaining their records shall take appropriate measures for preventing records related to their areas and ensure that the adequate care be taken while taking charge from the person leaving the services of the company due to any reason.
i. Sufficient space must be made available for the storage of records;
ii. All permanent and temporary storage area must be safe and secure to minimize the risk of theft or malicious damage.
iii. Storage area must be structurally sound and sufficiently strong to withstand adverse weather conditions;
iv. Storage area should be fire proof and moisture proof;
v. Storage area should be insect and rodent free.
vi. Environmental conditions in permanent storage areas must be carefully controlled and regulated to reduce the threat of atmospheric contamination.
i. A full and accurate account of the precise location of all records should be maintained;
ii. Checks and balances on the location of all records issued from or returned tostorage should be made;
iii. Loss or theft of records should be noted I reported I investigated as deem necessary;
iv. The physical conditions of records issued from or returned to the stores should be assessed and any physical change / damage should be noted /reported / investigated / treated as necessary.
In order to keep records / documents easily accessible at all the time at different locations, adequate steps to be taken tomaintain the records or documents in electronic form / scanned form and shall be kept withadequate indexation. The documents should be kept at the company server with passwordprotected under the supervision of Information Technology Department.
The conservation treatments of relevant records / documents should be done in such a manner so that life span of the documents / records shall be improved.
- Copying or reformatting of Records
In order to preserve original documents for longerperiod, exposure to the physical dangers of actual loss or damage through excessive handlingneed to be minimized. Hence, it is necessary that critical documents should be kept inscanned form duly authenticated by the members of the Board or company secretary or thehead of the respective department and the same to be referred or provided whenevernecessary. It is also to be ensured that copies should not be confused with the originals hence,every copied or reformatted documents must contain the seal of the company stating that thisis not an original document.
Any subsequent amendment / modification in the listing regulations and / or other applicablelaws in this regard shall automatically apply to this Policy.
The Board of directors shall periodically review the policy keeping in view the amendmenttaken place in various laws applicable to the company and accordingly update this policy.
List of documents and their mandatory preservation period under Companies Act, 2013 | ||||
Sl. No. | Particulars of Documents/ Register /Records. | Preservation Period of documents | Reference of Sections & Rules. | Remarks |
1 | Register of Members along with index | Permanently | Section 94 read withRule 15 (1) of theCompanies(Management andAdministration) Rules, 2014. | Shall be kept in the custody of theCS or any otherperson authorized by the Board forsuch purpose. |
2 | Copies of all annual returns and copies of all certificates and documents required to be annexed with the annual return | Eight Years from the date of filing with the ROC | Section 94 read with Rule 15(3) of the Companies(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014. | Not specified |
3 | Maintenance, preservation and safe custody of share certificate forms and related books and documents including the blank forms of share certificates | 1. At least 30 years. However, in case of disputes, cases shall be preserved permanently. 2. Certificate surrendered to the company shall be defaced by stamping or printing the word “cancelled" and may be destroyed after expiry of three years from the date of surrender, under the authority of Board of Directors and in presence of duly board appointed person. |
Section 46 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules,2014. | 1. In case company has a company secretary: CS shall be responsible. Or 2. In case company do not have CS: A director specially authorized by the Board of Directors for such purpose. Or 3. The Committee of the Board if so authorized by the Board, in case company does not have a company secretary. |
4 | Minutes of proceedings of: i. General Meetings ii. Creditors Meetings iii. Board Meetings iv. Committee meetings of the Board v. Resolution passed by Postal Ballot |
The minutes books of: i. general meetings and ii. Board and committee meetings shall be preserved permanently. This includes minutes of resolution passed by Postal Ballot. However, there are no provisions suggesting the period of maintenance of minutes of credit ors meeting. However, keeping inview the above minute of creditors meeting shall be preserved permanently. |
Section 118 read with Rule 25 of Companies (Management Administration) 2014. the and Rules, 2014. | Minutes shall be kept at there gistered off ice of the company and shall be in custody of the company secretary or any director duly authorized by the Board or at such other place as may be approved by the Board. |
5 | Register of: i. Loan, ii. Investment, iii. Guarantee or iv. security given under Section 186 shall be maintained in Form MBP2. The register can be maintained either manually or in electronic mode. |
The register shall be preserved permanently. | Section 186 read with Rule 12 of the Companies (Meetings of the Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014. | The Register shall be kept at the registered office of the company and shall be kept in the custody of the company secretary or any director duly authorized by the Board or at such other place as may be approved by the Board. |
6 | Register of investment made by the company but not in its own name under section 187 shall be maintained in Form MBP3. | The register shall be preserved permanently. | Section 187 read with Rule 14 of the Companies (Meetings of the Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014. | The Register shall be kept at the registered office of the company and shall be kept in the custody of the Company Secretary. In case there is no company secretary then it shall be kept in the custody of any director or any other officer authorized by the Board. |
7 | Notice of Disclosure of interest by directors: 1. at the first meeting of the Board in which he participates as a director and There after 2. at the first meeting of the Board in every financial year or 3. Whenever there is any change in the disclosures already made, then at the first Board meeting held after such change. |
The notices shall be preserved for a period of eight years from the end of the financial year. | Section 184 read with Rule 9 of the Companies (Meeting of Board and its Powers)Rules, 2014. | The notice shall be kept in the custody of the Company Secretary or in the custody of any other person authorized by the Board for this purpose. |
8 | Register of Contract or arrangement in which directors are interested shall be maintained in form MBP 4. | The register shall be preserved permanently. | Section 189 read with Rule 16 of the Companies (Meeting of Board and its Powers)Rules, 2014. | The register shall be kept in the custody of the company secretary or any other person authorized by the Board. |
9 | Maintenance of documents filed in electronic form relating to in corporation, and matters incidental the reto. | The company shall retain such documents duly stamped in original permanently for the documents relating to incorporation and matters incidental the reto, change in any of the clauses of the MOA and AOA. However, in any other cases, the documents shall be maintained for a period of eight years from the date of filing of the documents and the same is required to produce the same as and when the same is required by competent authority. |
Section 398 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014. | Specific authorization is not provided in the Act for keeping of recordin the custody of the CS or any other authorized person by the Board. However, keeping in view the other provisions in mind, we may say that the se documents maybe kept in the custody of CS orauthorized person by the Board, incase there is no Company Secretary in the company. |
10 | Maintenance of Register of Charges and Instruments creating charges under Section 85 of the Act. | The register of charges shall be preserved permanently and instrument creating or modification of the charges shall be kept for a period of eight years from the date of satisfaction of the charges. | Section 85 read with Rule 10 of the Companies (Registration of Charges) Rules, 2014. | No specific provisions authorizing CS to keep the record in his custody. However, keeping in view other provisions in mind, we may say that the se documents may be kept in the custody of CS or authorized person by the Board, incase there is no Company Secretary in the company. |
11 | Maintenance of Register of Renewed and Duplicate Share Certificates in form SH-2 | The register shall bepreserved permanently | Section 46 read with of the Rule 6 Companies(Share Capital and Debentures)Rules, 2014 | The register shall be maintained at Registered Office in the custody of the CS or any other person authorized by the Board for the purpose. |
12 | Maintenance of Books of Accounts etc. | The books of accounts of every company relating to a period of not less than eight financial years, immediately preceding the financial year together with the vouchers relevant to any entry in such books of accounts shall be kept in good order. In case of investigation is ordered under Chapter XIV by the Central Govt. they books of accounts maybe maintained for longer period. |
Section 128 read with Rule 3 & 4 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. | The Managing Director, WTD in charge of finance, the CFO or any other person of a company charged by the Board, with the duty of complying with the provisions of the section. |
13 | Register of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel and their share holding | Shall be maintained and updated on continuous basis. No specific time period is prescribed. | Section 170 read with Rule 17 & 18 of the Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014 | The register of directors and KMP shall be kept at registered office and any changed there inshall be reported to ROC within 30days of such changes. |
List of documents and their mandatory preservation period as per SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 | ||||
SI. No. |
Particulars of documents I Register/Records. | Preservation Period of documents. | Reference of Sections & Rules | Remarks |
1 | Disclosure of trading by Insiders inprescribed form. | The documents shall be maintained for a minimum five years in prescribed form | Regulation 6(4) | Shall be maintained by the compliance officer. |
2 | Initial disclosure given by the promoters, key manage rial personnel and directors within 30be days of the seregulations taking effect. | The documents shall be maintained for aminimum five years i prescribed form . | Regulation 7(1) (a) read with Regulation 6(4). | Shall bemaintained by the compliance officer. |